Types of Trademark
Trademark can include sounds, smells, colors, and/or shapes.
A Service Mark refers to a trademark used for services.
Website domain used as a trademark.
Trade name can function as a trademark.
Trademark protection is often used by a business to protect its brand name and generate good will. What many businesses do not know is there are multiple types of trademarks that can be protected under U.S. laws.
What can Trademark Protection Include?
A trademark can be any type of device used to identify the source or origin of a product or service, including: words, phrases, symbols, and/or designs.
Trademarks can also include: sounds, smells, colors, and shapes.
Trademark registration can also recognize collective marks and certification marks. To find out more
Trademark and Service Marks
A service mark is similar to a trademark, but identifies services rather than goods.
Website Domain Trademark
Many businesses use their website domain as their brand name. A website domain name can function as trademark if it is used to identify goods or services. However, if the website domain is used simply as a website address, it cannot function as a trademark.
Trademark vs Trade Name
A trade name is the name of a company or business. A trade name can function as a trademark, and receive trademark protection if it is used to identify the source or origin of a product or service. Though, a trade name does not function as a trademark when it is used only to identify the company or business, but not a particular product or service. However, a trade name may receive trademark protection if it is used to identify the source or origin of a product or service.
Contact us today for a flat rate to file for a trademark application.