Legal Strategies for Start-Ups: What You Need to Know When Starting a Business
This article covers the key considerations and questions an early stage business should ask its legal counsel.
This article covers the key considerations and questions an early stage business should ask its legal counsel.
Over 59,000 data breach notifications have been reported across the European Economic Area by public and private organizations since the GDPR came into force on 25th May 2018. The Netherlands, Germany and the UK topped the table in the report with approximately 15,400, 12,600, and 10,600 reported breaches respectively. The
Drop driven by domestic Chinese policy shifts and new investment screening regulations, investment in the US fell by 83% but in Canada grew by 80% compared to 2017. Total investment in Europe was down but grew in France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, and Central & Eastern Europe. Automotive, Financial services
EuroCloud Europe will undertake to create a European database of data-breach-related DPA decisions and court judgments. This report will present the key findings and recommendations on data breach-related obligations in the EU/EEA as determined by a comparative survey conducted by the members of the EuroCloud Europe Cloud Privacy Check Network
EuroCloud Europe will establish a European database of case-studies describing sector specific joint-controllership relations, as well as controller-processor and processor-processor relations. This report will present the key findings on the joint controllership concept as a result of a comparative survey conducted by the members of the EuroCloud Europe Cloud Privacy
After a decade of lobbying to gain local access to the $124 trillion Chinese payments market, Visa and Mastercard have been snubbed by China’s central bank which has refused to acknowledge applications submitted the payments networks which would allow them to process renminbi payments, despite rules in 2017 that removed
Contact Alpine Law to structure your business arrangements in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and/or China. In an article by Clifford Smith SC, Sabrina Ho and Tommy Cheung of AsiaLawPortal.com, they reported that “Litigating in Hong Kong to enforce one’s rights and entitlements can be expensive. Against this backdrop, can a plaintiff of limited financial means
Contact Alpine Law for strategic tax planning on how to reduce a business’s tax burden and properly structure multi-national and domestic revenue. Reuters recently reported that “Google moved 19.9 billion euros ($22.7 billion) through a Dutch shell company to Bermuda in 2017, as part of an arrangement that allows it to
Encouraged or Restricted? Contact Alpine Law to find out if your company’s expansion into China falls under which type of activity. “China should address the concerns expressed by the United States and other major trading partners over forced transfer of technology and openness to investment to de-escalate ongoing trade tensions,
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