Independent Contractor or Not: 20 Factors to Consider
This article will cover the 20 factors often used by state agencies in determining independent contractor status, which can be used as a general self-evaluation tool for your current workforce.
This article will cover the 20 factors often used by state agencies in determining independent contractor status, which can be used as a general self-evaluation tool for your current workforce.
This article will cover the control test typically used by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) in determining independent contractor status, which can be used as a general self-evaluation tool for your current workforce.
This article will cover the Economic Realities Test under the Fair Labor Standards Act determining independent contractor status, which can be used as a general self-evaluation tool for your current workforce.
Based on how the working relationship is structured and how the independent contractor service agreement is prepared, mis-categorizing an employee as an independent contractor can have multiple negative ramifications associated with such misuse. This article addresses the negative ramifications associated with their misuse.
While a trademark protects a brand or product, a copyright protects original works of authorship and creatorship. This article will outline the primary differences between trademark and copyright protection, and the advantages an official registration provides.
Employers can realize a number of economic and competitive benefits associated with the utilization of independent contractors in their workforce. This article addresses the differences between the classifications of an independent contractor vs an employee.
A copyright is a powerful tool for protecting intellectual property by effectively preventing others from making unauthorized copies of a creator’s original work. This article covers the fundamentals involved in copyright registration.
This illegal use of a business or individual’s trademark is called trademark infringement. This article covers the methods and processes involved in handling trademark infringement and defending your trademark.
This article addresses the two common doctrine used to limit the Board’s liabilities in the event of a breach: limitation of liability, and indemnification. Further, director & officer insurance is another method often used to further protect the Board from personal liabilities.
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